26 Petty Celebrity Demands That Take the Cake They Just Threw Across the Room
You there! Get me vodka and M&Ms right away!
- Authors
- By Cracked Writers, Jay Wells L'Ecuyer
- Published
‘My Bologna’: 64 Weird Al Trivia Tidbits on His 64th Birthday
- Authors
- By Zanandi Botes
- Published
28 Celebrities Who Held Surprising Jobs
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
30 Weirdo Celebrity Connections
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
“Whatever! I Do What I Want!”: 54 Trivia Tidbits About Trey Parker on His 54th Birthday
Bet he's watching the Food Network right now.
- Authors
- By Zanandi Botes
- Published
5 Times Expressing Emotion Ruined A Career
Tamp it down before the tabloids hear!
- Authors
- By Eli Yudin
- Published
‘Yep’: 61 Trivia Tidbits About Mike Judge on His 61st Birthday
Happy birthday, Mr. Judge.
- Authors
- By Zanandi Botes
- Published
25 Demands From All-Powerful Celebrities That Required Teams of Peasants to Fulfill
The demands of industry titans that put you lesser celebrities to shame
- Authors
- By Cracked Writers, Jay Wells L'Ecuyer
- Published
52 Trivia Tidbits About Sacha Baron Cohen on His 52nd Birthday
#36: Despite the fact that Borat made the Mankini famous, he only wore it for six seconds in the first Borat film
- Authors
- By Brian VanHooker
- Published
15 Actors Who Took a Role Because They Wanted the Money for Oddly Specific Reasons
Would you suffer public humiliation if it meant your mom got a sick house?
- Authors
- By Mike Rampton
- Published
29 Wild Stories of Crazy Celebrity Partying
And you thought that one guy in your frat was crazy
- Authors
- By Brian C. Miller, Cracked Writers
- Published
Eddie Izzard Has a Lot to Say
As she tours North America with a show that remixes and reimagines her most beloved bits, the irreverent stand-up and political activist sounds off on Darth Vader, the existence of God and finding progressives in the South
- Authors
- By Tim Grierson
- Published
15 Accolades and Honors Bestowed on Tremendous Pieces of Shit
You don't have to be a good dude to get a nice award.
- Authors
- By Mike Rampton
- Published
28 Twisted Celebrity Demands That Shed Light on Their Full-Blown Derangement
They have assistants to appease them, but where are the psychologists to assess them?
- Authors
- By Cracked Writers, Jay Wells L'Ecuyer
- Published
31 Very Stupid Things Celebrities Said With A Straight Face
They thought we could hang on their every word, but we fell. Hard
- Authors
- By Cracked Writers, Jay Wells L'Ecuyer
- Published