Why Everyone Is Obsessed With The Apocalypse

Hey, you know that Cracked Podcast that you love? Well, it's back, in video form! We traveled all the way to the famous Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre and teamed up with our friends at GE to do a live episode about the apocalypse in front of a sold out crowd. We just love apocalypses here at Cracked. We've talked about it on podcasts, in videos, and now, for the first time ever, you can watch us talk about it on a podcast AND in a video at the same time. That's right, we're finally bringing the live podcast experience to the average Cracked reader, and we're calling it "The Cracked Podcast: 'Live' On Stage/Video, Or A Different Title We'll Come Up With Later -- NOTE: This Is A Placeholder!"
Why'd we get all those guys? Well, we talk about apocalypses and post-apocalyptic movies so much on this site, but, at the end of the day, we're just a bunch of people who spend way too much time watching movies (we have no other skills). We know what we'd do in an apocalypse scenario (die, probably slowly and painfully), and we know which apocalypse we HOPE happens (the one where we die, but faster), but it turns out we don't know too much about them and certainly nothing about how to prevent them. That's why we turned to actual scientists who are paid to think about the apocalypse and an actual screenwriter who is paid to write some of those apocalyptic movies we watch.
Watch the podcast above, which covers everything from Captain Planet to how new ways of brewing beer will save us from a future where we'd have to drink our own pee (really), and click here to listen to the rest of the podcast which we created with GE to dissect the scientific game-changers in GE and National Geographic's "Breakthrough" series.
Be sure to check out 5 Horrifying Apocalyptic Scenarios (That Have Already Happened) and 5 Movie Apocalypses That Would Defeat Themselves.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, and check out Cracked Live: "End of the World" - Cody Johnston , and watch other videos you won't see on the site!
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