The One Terrifying War Nobody Is Talking About

Recently, I was on a 3 a.m. Google binge, trying to track down the true reptilian faces of U.S. politicians. I didn't find any, because they have become experts at internet subterfuge. But I stumbled upon something equally terrible. Don't ask me how I found it, because I don't want them to come after me ... but I discovered that politicians have been in a secret war with birds, and the attacks are horrifying. And it's high time that the public knew about it.
As far as I can tell, the ceasefire is still being upheld, but for how long? I suppose all we can do is hope that the peace lasts, but how far can hope take humanity in a war this brutal? Especially between two eternal natural enemies like birds and reptiles? I'm off to write a plea to my state representative. Hopefully, he is still alive.
Find out why uncertain, furry danger is around every corner in The 6 Deadliest Creatures (That Can Fit In Your Shoe) and see why humanity is losing the battle AND the war in 6 Unassuming Animals That Are Secretly Immortal.
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