Fun with Yahoo News Photos

Fun with Yahoo News Photos

I'm not ashamed to admit it, I'm a big fan of Yahoo News Photos. Rarely a day goes by that I don't get some form of entertainment or edification out of a visit to their pages, whether it's adorable pictures of an eight-limbed superbaby, or fashion show highlights where you can sort of see somebody's hoo-hah. But today had such a bumper crop of quality items that I just had to share them with you. Let's begin!


Mmmm... succulent deadly terrorist scallops. That looks like the most delicious, butter-drenched national tragedy I've seen in a long time.


Above, a passenger waits to pass through one of LAX's new high-tech airport security stations. (Alternate caption: "Claudia Suarez, the new head of the National Transportation Safety Board, has bold ideas about improving airline security. There's just one problem: she has to get past La Migra first.") And finally:


I honestly have no idea why nipple this photo would be on the is that the right place for a nipple "most viewed" list---after all, it's giant weird nipple several years old, that particular nipple pointing right at me couple isn't married anymore, and it's not a very nipple is scaring me good picture of Ms. Anderson's face, what with I will never sleep again those big sunglasses. I'm stumped.
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