TikTok Comedian Adds Unnecessary Backstory for the Most Emotional ‘Walk Into A Bar’ Jokes Ever

Madison Sinclair turns classic jokes into tearjerkers
TikTok Comedian Adds Unnecessary Backstory for the Most Emotional ‘Walk Into A Bar’ Jokes Ever

Two days ago, we never would have seen ourselves getting misty-eyed over a joke that starts with, “A bear walks into a bar…” That was before we discovered Madison Sinclair’s TikTok.

The Tallahassee native and Comedy Central contributor has been bringing the desperately-needed heart to comedy's most tired joke setup, and the results are bringing TikTok to tears. While traditional iterations of the “___ walks into a bar” joke have snappy punchlines and limited runtimes, Sinclair has excruciatingly long backstories to the classics, adding depth, trauma, betrayal, compassion — everything that you can’t find in the average joke book.

This time around, a bear walked into a bar alone — he walked out with a support system.


The bear joke/tearjerker is just the latest in a series of such videos from Sinclair that have put up impressive numbers on TikTok. Be warned, though: While we usually go to bars to forget out worries, Sinclair’s saloon is where we can’t escape our past.

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