Tina Fey Humorously Calls Out Seth Meyers for What His Day-Drinking ‘Late Night’ Segment Is Really About

It does sound like something a middle-aged man made up to get out of the house on a weekend
Tina Fey Humorously Calls Out Seth Meyers for What His Day-Drinking ‘Late Night’ Segment Is Really About

Seth Meyers’ Late Night segment “Seth Goes Day Drinking” sounds exactly like something a middle-aged married man with three kids and the resources of a big-budget late-night show would make up as an excuse to get out of the house on the weekend and party with pop stars. Tina Fey told her friend as much when she appeared on Late Night last night to promote her already sold-out tour with Amy Poehler.

Fey called out her former Saturday Night Live cast mate with a cutting impression of his put-upon partner, attorney Alexi Ashe, when Meyers comes home from slamming shots with Lizzo, Rihanna or Lorde. 

Meyers’ admission that his wife once suggested that he stay at a hotel after taping the day-drinking segments says everything we need to know about the faithfulness of Fey’s impression. Considering how much liquor is consumed on camera, it’s shocking to hear that Meyers’ editors actually toned down the total number of tequila shots that he and Lizzo put back while she mistook one of his writers for Paul Rudd.

“(Alexi) loves me being really drunk just singing the praises of a pop star,” Meyers joked of his real-life return home after taping the segments. We wonder what would happen if one of the Late Night writers pitched a bit where Meyers watches the kids while his wife gets plastered with Drake — perhaps they’ll explore it if Meyers’ day-drinking follow-up segment “Seth Takes Advil and Drinks Gatorade for a 12 Hours” doesn’t take off.

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