‘Zack Morris’ Is Now a Crypto Grifter Who Is Being Sued for His Crypto Grifting

Here’s a news story that should surprise neither early ‘90s sitcom fans nor cryptocurrency enthusiasts: Zack Morris got himself in trouble for lying. The answer to the question of “Wait, that Zack Morris?” depends on which group is asking. If it’s the former, then no. If it’s the latter, then hell yes.
Zack Morris, the co-founder of Atlas Trading and not Kelly Kapowski’s boy toy, is among eight defendants who have been indicted by the Department of Justice for allegedly taking part in a “conspiracy to commit securities fraud for a long-running, social media-based ‘pump and dump’ scheme,” the damages of which total to $114 million according to the DoJ.
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The trending Twitter topic of “Zack Morris Indicted” was enough to send Saved by the Bell fans into hysterics while jilted investors and schadenfreude-filled crypto skeptics erupted in celebration, which created an incredibly entertaining whiplash effect as Twitter’s ’90s kids realized that actor Mark-Paul Gosselaar did not commit fraud to the tune of a nine-figure sum — that we know of.
Though the Zack Morris facing charges may not be THE Zack Morris, we’re not going to delete our Google Alert for Jeff Hunter — that a--hole could still be up to something.