4 Ways Disney Managed To Aggressively Raise A Generation Of Furries

Have you seen the new live-action/animated Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers movie yet? Of course, you have. You're already sitting in your new red Hawaiian-style shirt after yelling that line about a non-specific cola drink at random strangers all day. Good job, you. We're very proud.
Sure, some people might hear the news of a new Rescue Rangers movie nostalgically catered toward adults while featuring the rad Andy Samberg and John Mulaney and go, "Wait, what ... and, also, why?" Not us, friends. We are here for the Lonely Island meets Who Framed Roger Rabbit-inspired squirrel romp that will probably be another Disney success. Those damn rascals, they got us again!
Which shouldn't be a surprise, really, since we're the generation who grew up on these nutty cartoons. We were the little darlings first introduced to the Chip and the Dale and their ranger-y friends while chugging bowls of Count Chocula and mainlining The Disney Channel. We were also the ones first introduced to one Gadget Hackwrench, the third leg in the ranger rodents' triangle of cute and sassy woodland creatures who rescue or some spiel. Gadget Hackwrench, the animated character who many a millennial child back in the early '90s (and still to this day) thought was pretty darn cute.
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Seriously, just look at this darn cutie:

Buena Vista Television
Not only was Gadget a go-getter, DIY kind of gal, but she was also a role model to many of us young ones growing up. Gadget was the '90s mouse that showed it's cool to be different — in the '90s, different simply meant not being a societal gender stereotype — and that individuality is something to be proud of and celebrated. Gadget was a leader who got the job done. Also and emphatically, Gadget was hot:
No wonder there's an entire generation of fans today who will gladly cosplay the marvelously magnetic mouse and many a furry who identify as a Gadgetphile because she's 100% bodacious. And that's not even mentioning the countless Gadget erotica art floating around the internet like the pieces of our long-lost innocence shattered by Disney and their love for small-nosed sultry species with tails.
After spending many a minute pouring over years and years of furry content and also other things that no person would ever want to be discovered in their internet history log, we have figured out how Disney and others (but like, especially Disney, you guys) managed to thirst trap an entire generation of little us folk who still think that the big-eared mouse lady totally slaps.
Fur(s) Trap: Make Fluffy Female Characters Smart, Sexy, And Tritagonists
The Chip' n Dale: Rescue Rangers TV show started airing in 1989. Since then, the timeline shows an uptick in strong, independent, somewhat saucy female furry characters starring in '90s kids' shows because apparently nothing said "Different!" like a woman who knew what she wanted back then. A year after Gadget subconsciously started corrupting us all (in a good way), we got Rebecca Cunningham, the maternal single mother slash business-oriented woman and Baloo's boss who, interestingly enough, also made up the third member of the main team in TaleSpin:

Buena Vista Television
The obvious use of the same tritagonist recipe we saw in Rescue Rangers aside, Rebecca Cunningham was one classy lady, people. Oh, oh wait …

Buena Vista Television
There it is. Nothing like making kids fall in love with a strong and sassy character before stripping away some of their clothes and making their tiny skirts play "Oh, stop it!" with a naughty breeze. Now, if for some reason you're thinking that this is all just us and our filthy minds you have come to know and love over the years, then you, friend, have clearly never searched the internet for Hot Rebecca Cunningham content. Becky with the Bear Hair is right up there with Gadget in the top favorite lists of Lusty Cartoon Busties for both furries and also pretty much everyone who had a pulse during the '90s.
And don't forget the girl-next-door love interest tritagonist and hot cheeks Roxanne from Disney's 1995 The Goofy Movie who, when she's not carrying around a bunch of books, so you know she's probably smart …

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… imagines herself frolicking on some grass like this:

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Fur(s) Trap: Skimpy Clothing And Bare Bottoms For The Win, Folks!
Before Gadget abandoned her tight little overalls to wear that revealing red dress that one time, Miss Kitty Mouse from1986's The Great Mouse Detective proved that gosh, tiny mouse ladies are so cute when they're strutting it:
Yes, that little mouse just stripped in front of a room full of men mice while singing cabaret and kicking up those silky shaven legs. These animators knew exactly what they were doing because you have to be dead inside to be unaffected by any of this. Also, her butt is bare yet fluffy at the same time.

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The bare bottom cartoon trend is an old one. Characters like Bugs and all those Ducks did it first (on TV) with the whole No Pants rule, but let's be honest: Those bottomless toons were neither charming nor sexy. Their creators clearly weren't out to mess with the minds of the young just yet (except maybe for whoever came up with the very questionable Pepé Le Pew).
Or maybe they simply didn't know how or why it worked yet. Enter Disney's 1973 animation Robin Hood, demonstrating exactly that.

Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
The fine-looking fox fella — who's a big favorite among furries — was created and drawn by legendary animator Don Bluth. Seven years later, Bluth would create another furry fandom favorite character, Justin, for the iconic 1982 animation The Secret of NIMH.

United International Pictures
Don Bluth clearly knew what's up, and we should all blame/thank him for exposing us to so many furry tails and plushy butts because ever since that animated version of Robin Hood, fluff butts kept rolling in. And you bet Disney was at the forefront of the Fluff Butt craze.
It wasn't just fluffy butts, either. No, it was also fluffy everything else. Remember Queen Georgette from the 1988 Oliver and Company?

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It’s as if Disney wanted to make extra sure you get that this dog was, simply put, all things sex:
There was also Rita with the '80s hair in Oliver and Company, because this movie might be the horniest dog movie ever?

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Fur(s) Trap: Learn What Worked In The Past And Make Whatever That Was Less Obvious But Also Way More Obvious
Jump forward from those hot late '80s pooches to 1994, where we have Nala from Disney's The Lion King making wild "come hither" eyes at Simba in a way that made us all immediately realize these two lovebugs didn't even have an extra patch of fur or maybe just a scrap of clothes to accidentally lose in a river or something.
Honestly, the older we get, the more that scene just screams, "Whaaaaa?" It's essentially Elton John serenading two horny young lions with lyrics about feeling some love in the dark for the entertainment of billions of kids. Yes, the Simba gang and some of the characters we're talking about here aren't full anthropomorphic animals. They could, however, be considered furry-adjacent purely because they were responsible for making many a furry (and again, just everyone else) also want to wrestle like big meow-meows when the sun goes down.
After all, it simply cannot be a coincidence that Disney's The Lion King was a rip-off of the '60s anime series Kimba the White Lion — a show widely believed to have been one of the fictional origins of furry fandom.
The point is that someone, somewhere, knew how and why this was all working, and the trend just kept gaining momentum. And Disney all but paved the way for everyone else to do it just as good. While Gadget was no doubt the sexiest mouse cartoon of the early '90s, Warner Bros. won the title of hottest mink property by giving us all that Animaniacs character, Minerva Mink.

Warner Bros.
Honestly, we won't be surprised if someone from Warner Bros. saw Gadget in that red dress, shoved a picture of it in an animator's hand, and said, "That, but like, classy." And then decided to just say it's a mink to avoid copyright infringement. For real, Minerva even has the same, slightly different hue of blue eye shadow as Gadget.

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Skip all the way to 2016, and we have definitive proof that Disney marketed Zootopia straight to the furries. Although this scene was proof enough that Disney isn't hiding their intentions much anymore (or at least, not well):
Disney played the long game with the innate lusts of human folk, and it's paying off. Just look at the most popular fursonas in the furry community: Wolves, foxes, dogs, and large felines. A significant chunk of furries have also unequivocally said that Disney was a massive influence in sparking their interests. We, of course, have always known. Now, someone please tell those Disney execs to do a scintillating, queer Gargoyles-type movie next. Everyone, start dusting off your gargoyle wings. It's time.
Fur(s) Trap: You Can’t Go Wrong With Sexy Fox
Just look at Nick Wilde from Zootopia — the sly fella is constantly sporting his naughty eyes:

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Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
We literally call hot people' foxy,' for fox' sake. Disney has obviously known this for quite some time — it's clearly why they made Robin Hood a fox and not, say, a wildebeest. Sure, foxes are sly, so they work for a certain type of character, but they're also hot. Foxes are hot, hot people are 'foxy,' and lady foxes are called vixens for fox sake.

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The Fox and the Hound literally gave us "Vixey." There was no fighting it.
You can bet your furry bottom we're not done seeing these suggestive fox types just yet, either. While Turning Red's cute, fluffy, super sassy furball character is supposedly a giant red panda — its name, Red Panda, totally gives it away — there are a lot of fox vibes happening here, too. Besides, a red panda basically looks like a fox once banged a raccoon.
Yep, that big floof slaps. Get ready to see a lot more Red Panda cosplay, too. Especially since it's an easy enough costume because most furries seem to look less like your Robin Hoods and Nick Wildes and more like the Carfax fox for some reason.

Zanandi is on Twitter and also on that other platform.
Thumbnail: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/Buena Vista Television