'Prince Of Persia' Headlines Ubisoft's Big Comeback

In the past many months, Ubisoft has been dealing with the anti-triforce of fans finally complaining that their games have gotten stale, serious reports of employee abuse, and the failure of their attempt at cashing in on the Battle Royale craze. That's a lot, but the only reason we only mentioned three things is because of the cool triforce reference because there's much more. To twist the knife, the company has also been the target of ridicule over their failed NFT strategy, as well as for their outdated user interface design. The only good thing to say about Ubisoft right now is that the company has been excreting some of the alleged sex pests that once roamed free inside the company. Ubisoft knows that they need to pull off something big, and new credible leaks sure make it look like they might just do it.
For starters, yeah, guess what, we're going to learn about further Assassin's Creed titles. One is the already talked about Assassin's Creed Infinity, which was named that way either because they had no more names available, or because Ubisoft is now aiming at a fully online experience with a higher life expectancy. We're scared that this might be an excuse for the creation of yet another microtransaction ouroboros like Destiny 2, but the idea of an ever-expanding world of Assassin's Creed replacing the need to buy a new game every year might actually come as a breath of fresh air. The other possible announcement is Assassin's Creed Rift, an Assassin's Creed title that'll be the yearly affair we're used to. Oh well.
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Now, for the more surprising stuff, we're finally going to see Prince Of Persia making a return, and not just in the form of the already announced Sands Of Time remake, but as a brand new title.

One thing longtime Ubisoft fans have been always been hyped for and scared about in equal measure is Beyond Good And Evil 2, the long-in-development-hell-the-making sequel to the beloved original from nearly 20 goddamn years ago. Last year, the balance was broken when the game’s director left the project, then restored when we found out he was allegedly abusive towards his staff. This is the first time in a long while that the scale is tipping to the "hype" side of things because Ubisoft reportedly won't cancel the game because they've put too much money into it. It's not a great victory, but this has been a hard-fought war, so it's one that we'll take. We don't expect to see much about this one anytime soon, but we can't wait to see the improvements because it already looked great the last time Ubisoft showed its gameplay.. 3 goddamn years ago.
On top of that, we're also getting a sequel to The Crew, as well as to 2020's Immortals Fenyx Rising. All that, combined with recent reports that Ubisoft is hard at work on its pirate epic Skull & Bones, makes it look like the company is firing on all cylinders and remembering every single one of their popular series.

Top Image: Ubisoft