'The New Yorker' Crossword Puzzle Has Released A Co-Op Mode

Solving a crossword puzzle together might be the most geriatric of couple activities you can do outside of incorporating Werther's Original into your foreplay. But with entertainment options are running out faster than toilet paper, it might be time to dust off the old dictionary (Google) and have a friendly co-op game with your most pretentious of mates in this week's New Yorker crossword puzzle.
The New Yorker' crossword, the four-letter word for a precious yellow metal often used in jewelry standard of crossword puzzles, has recently updated its online puzzles to support a co-operative mode, meaning for the first someone will be the Luigi of crossword puzzling. With this new "Partner Mode," two players can solve puzzles together and even see what the other is typing in real-time, like writing in "Manet" as the five-letter word for a 19th-century French modernist painter known as the father of Impressionism and not "Monet" like an idiot.
You don't even have to be a New Yorker subscriber to play, though do you do have to be the kind of person who has a New Yorker subscription to know what the four-letter word is for an "NYC locale for Klimts and Schieles." But it's only a matter of time before even these upper-class pseudo-intellectuals also fall prey to the savage pitfalls of couch co-op play, where promises are broken, Player 1s lord their superiority over Player 2s and grown adults will go cry to their parents because their 47-year-old accountant brother isn't letting them solve any of the downs.
For more weird seven-letter words for an abrupt change of course or digression, do follow Cedric on Twitter.
Top Image: New Yorker/Cedric Voets