25 Movie Moments That Took Crazy Loads Of Work

Sometimes it’s the smallest details that turn out to be the most insane to get right.
25 Movie Moments That Took Crazy Loads Of Work

You ever start on something and it's going fine and all, but then all of a sudden you run into something that takes forever that you didn't anticipate? Yeah, us too. It’s quite an eye-opening moment because you budgeted this much time and maybe money for this and that and then this becomes that-which-takes-forever and you’re like, “uh oh.”

But you soldier on and get the job done, because that's what you do. You're a finisher. And hopefully, all the hard work on that one thing was worth it, and you sleep well that night. We also know the opposite is often true: whatever took forever didn't pan out and forever is a mighty long time.

It’s like that in Hollywood, too. Acting is easy. You turn on the camera and do some pretending, then you sit back and watch the Oscars roll in, right? Well, as it turns out, sometimes stuff that should be slam-dunk simple turns out to be weirdly complicated behind the scenes.

For example ...

25 Movie Moments That Took Crazy Loads Of Work
25 Movie Moments That Took Crazy Loads Of Work
Channing Tatum learned to tap dance for Hail, Caesar! Despite his role in Step Up, he had to train for three months to perform the six-minute dance se
25 Movie Moments That Took Crazy Loads Of Work
25 Movie Moments That Took Crazy Loads Of Work

Claire Foy

25 Movie Moments That Took Crazy Loads Of Work
The shower scene from LRUN TUl took 7 days and 70 takes to shoot. CRACKED.COM
25 Movie Moments That Took Crazy Loads Of Work
25 Movie Moments That Took Crazy Loads Of Work

Game of Thrones

25 Movie Moments That Took Crazy Loads Of Work


25 Movie Moments That Took Crazy Loads Of Work
Stanley Kubrick's Barry Lyndon (1975) was shot without the addition of any artificial light. At the time, in order to film this apparently simple lo
25 Movie Moments That Took Crazy Loads Of Work
25 Movie Moments That Took Crazy Loads Of Work
CAST had to stop production AWAY for a year to let Tom Hanks lose 50 pounds of weight and grow his beard in order to achieve a natural shipwrecked loo
For Guardians of the Galaxy 2, they had to reshoot Quill's eulogy, then insert the footage into the eulogy scene. Director James Gunn thought Chris Pr
25 Movie Moments That Took Crazy Loads Of Work


25 Movie Moments That Took Crazy Loads Of Work
25 Movie Moments That Took Crazy Loads Of Work
David Fincher spent two days filming the opening scene in The Social Network. The five-minute scene consists of two characters sitting in a bar, talki
Jackie Chan took 40 days to film a short scene of him kicking a shuttlecock in Dragon Lord (1982), which puT the film production behind schedule.
To stretch his budget as far as he could Tarantino shot PULP FICTION on very slow Kodak film. Because of this, to get the proper exposure for the morn
Because baby pigs tend to grow quickly, a total of 48 piglets were used for the titular role during the five-month shoot of BABE CRACKED COM
25 Movie Moments That Took Crazy Loads Of Work
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