Foldable Phones, Smart Porn, And Other Breaking Tech News

Here’s what the machines are up to, this week.
Foldable Phones, Smart Porn, And Other Breaking Tech News

There's a ton of stuff going on. The thing is, while the existential horror that is political and celebrity news dominates the zeitgeist, technological innovations roll quietly along, making the world a better, fancier place. And it's not at all terrifying that every device is getting smarter by the second. But don't worry, we've taken it upon ourselves to monitor what the tech geniuses are up to, so you won't miss out on anything important.

amazon had to stop Alexa from LAUGHING AT PEOPLE. HAHAHAHARAHA! amazon The company changed the command Alexa, laugh to Alexa, can you laugh after

Source: The Verge

Foldable Phones, Smart Porn, And Other Breaking Tech News

Source: CBS News

MICROSOFT'S UPDATED SERVICE AGREEMENT PROHIBITS NUDITY AND OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE. Sexy Skyping or emailing risque photos while you and your love are apar

Source: Fortune

GOOD YEAR IS GOING GREEN. The company unveiled an enviromental concept tire filled with LIVING MOSS GOODFYEAD that absorbs moisture and carbon dioxide

Source: USA Today

Foldable Phones, Smart Porn, And Other Breaking Tech News

Source: The Verge

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