Space Cars, Xenomorphs, And Other Weird News You Missed

It’s even weirder than you think, out there.
Space Cars, Xenomorphs, And Other Weird News You Missed

There's a lot of important news out there that definitely deserves your attention. This isn't that. These are the weirdest, head-scratchingest headlines that somehow got buried in the sea of rational stories, this week. You're welcome.

Chefs for Norway's Olympic team in South Korea ordered 500 eggs to feed the athletes. They were sent 15 Luckily, they could return the 3,500 unwanted

Source: BBC

BARNEY THE DINOSAUR IS NOW A SEX GURU. David Joyner's days of dressing up as a purple T. rex with a unitooth for preschoolers are over. Now, if you're

Source: VICE

Space Cars, Xenomorphs, And Other Weird News You Missed

Source: KFOR

A SPEEDING CAR FLEW INTO A BUILDING'SSECOND FLOOR. Fire officials said the car became airborne after hitting a median. The vehicle's driver and one pa

Source: ABC15

POOT AWAY HARASSMENT FOR GOOD. SEXUAL E POLICY HARAGTDATMORKPLACE that Women are reporting of they have a new line would-be defense against aggressors

Source: Mashable

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