15 Movie Scenes That Become Amazing At Different Speeds

The magic of VHS tapes lives on.
15 Movie Scenes That Become Amazing At Different Speeds

Once upon time, in the dark ages before the Internet, we used to have to watch movies on VHS tapes. Anyone who's had to play with the tracking dial remembers how bad this was. But, on the plus side, the ability to fast forward, rewind, speed up and slow down videos provided us many hours of unintentional hilarity.

And now we present that joy to you, before we kindly ask you to get of our lawn.

15 Movie Scenes That Become Amazing At Different Speeds
15 Movie Scenes That Become Amazing At Different Speeds
15 Movie Scenes That Become Amazing At Different Speeds
15 Movie Scenes That Become Amazing At Different Speeds
15 Movie Scenes That Become Amazing At Different Speeds
15 Movie Scenes That Become Amazing At Different Speeds
15 Movie Scenes That Become Amazing At Different Speeds
15 Movie Scenes That Become Amazing At Different Speeds
15 Movie Scenes That Become Amazing At Different Speeds
15 Movie Scenes That Become Amazing At Different Speeds
15 Movie Scenes That Become Amazing At Different Speeds
15 Movie Scenes That Become Amazing At Different Speeds
15 Movie Scenes That Become Amazing At Different Speeds
15 Movie Scenes That Become Amazing At Different Speeds
15 Movie Scenes That Become Amazing At Different Speeds

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