16 Actors Forced, Coaxed, Or Otherwise Hoodwinked Into Performances

When Tarantino promises the stunt car is safe... go with your gut.
16 Actors Forced, Coaxed, Or Otherwise Hoodwinked Into Performances

Being an actor seems like it's the gateway to fame, fortune, and blissful existence, and…sure that's often true. But that doesn't mean there aren't hardships involved in the making of all that fame and fortune and critically-acclaimed cinematic darlings. Studio contracts are a double-edged sword. On one hand, a three-movie deal means guaranteed work for years! On the other, it's the reason we have a Cat in the Hat movie so offensively bad, it scandalized Dr. Seuss' widow. 

Even a dream gig can come with strings attached: Ryan Reynolds spent years lobbying for a real, actually good Deadpool movie, and he only landed Deadpool in Deadpool because he played ball and appeared as Deadpool in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Gee, we wonder what the Deadpool Deadpool card had on us saying the word “Deadpool” this many times in the paragraph about Deadpool?

Here are a few more iconic (or universally detested) performances that were forced out of an actor like the last squirt of toothpaste:

16 Actors Forced, Coaxed, Or Otherwise Hoodwinked Into Performances
16 Actors Forced, Coaxed, Or Otherwise Hoodwinked Into Performances
16 Actors Forced, Coaxed, Or Otherwise Hoodwinked Into Performances
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