18 Authors Who Deeply Regretted Signing Away The Movie Rights

Roald Dahl said good DAY, sir.
18 Authors Who Deeply Regretted Signing Away The Movie Rights

Have you ever considered how boring the movie industry would have been if it hadn't been based on so many books? There's no denying that several of the best cinematography scripts we've seen have come from books. People all love to read and read imagination concepts, but you must have openly acknowledged that some films do a much worse job than others.

If you've already watched a book-to-film adaptation response with a book lover, you've heard the novel lover's common sentiment: "The book was better." That is generally true, and in the scenario of the best books adapted into films, the film rarely compares to its source.

There are a surprising number of well-known films that were not previously known to be based on books. The authors, however, were so dissatisfied with how their stories translated to a new medium that they removed their names from the credits.

We can only come to one conclusion: authors have bad taste in movies.

18 Authors Who Deeply Regretted Signing Away The Movie Rights
18 Authors Who Deeply Regretted Signing Away The Movie Rights
18 Authors Who Deeply Regretted Signing Away The Movie Rights
18 Authors Who Deeply Regretted Signing Away The Movie Rights
18 Authors Who Deeply Regretted Signing Away The Movie Rights
18 Authors Who Deeply Regretted Signing Away The Movie Rights
18 Authors Who Deeply Regretted Signing Away The Movie Rights
18 Authors Who Deeply Regretted Signing Away The Movie Rights
18 Authors Who Deeply Regretted Signing Away The Movie Rights
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