16 Statistics That Change How We See The World

Think twice about the facts you hear.
16 Statistics That Change How We See The World

Did you know that if you converted the national debt to dollar bills and stacked them on top of each other, you would reach a good portion of the way to Pluto? Well, that's a completely useless fact. No one is going to convert the national debt to dollar bills and stack them on top of each other, no one wants to do that, doing that would be impossible, and it would illustrate nothing. The following statistics, however, will actually teach you something:

Statistics That Change How You See the World - They don’t have to be deadly. When you factor in how many crashes are really quite minor, your chance o
Source: BBC
Statistics That Change How You See the World - Snakes aren’t that deadly, even ignoring all the truly harmless ones. Some 8,000 people are bitten by v
Source: CDC
Statistics That Change How You See the World - Heard that suicide rates skyrocket around Christmas? Actually, the rate is lowest in December. The suic
Source: CDC
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