17 Hometown Creepy Stories From Our Readers

Turns out a ton of you are neighbors with serial killers.
17 Hometown Creepy Stories From Our Readers

We tend to think of big cities as being creep-filled, and suburbs and small towns as being safer and less dangerous. But was Halloween filmed in Chicago? Was Amityville Horror filmed in New York City? Did Texas Chainsaw Massage take place in Austin? No! Those shock fests took place in the suburbs of those cities! Also Texas Chainsaw at SXSW is a great idea for a movie, dibs on the script.


As it turns out, literally every locale has its share of wild, creepy stories in its past. If you thought there was anywhere you could go that was was safe, you thought very, tragically wrong. We asked our fans on Facebook to tell us about the most bizarre, shudder-worthy stuff from their own hometowns, and they gave us an earful.

So now we're wondering about the statistical correlation between serial killers and Cracked readers.

Warning: Some of these are pretty disturbing.

TELL US NOW. LOCATION: Bridgeport, Connecticut Jesse L. lives near The World's Most Haunted House. THE WORLD'S MOST HAUINTED HOUSE Tu BKIURPOR THK L
Jesse L.
17 Hometown Creepy Stories From Our Readers
Alek M.
17 Hometown Creepy Stories From Our Readers
Thomas C.
17 Hometown Creepy Stories From Our Readers
Josh M.
17 Hometown Creepy Stories From Our Readers
Ryan L.
17 Hometown Creepy Stories From Our Readers
Randy C.
17 Hometown Creepy Stories From Our Readers
Raichelle D.
17 Hometown Creepy Stories From Our Readers
Phillip B.
17 Hometown Creepy Stories From Our Readers
Melanie E.
17 Hometown Creepy Stories From Our Readers
Lasha V.
17 Hometown Creepy Stories From Our Readers
Mary R.
17 Hometown Creepy Stories From Our Readers
Kelli F.
17 Hometown Creepy Stories From Our Readers
Anthony R.
TELL US NOW. LOCATION: Barranquilla, Colombia University security guards lured in homeless people to harvest their organs. 12A Policiay Judiciales IdA
Andres R.
TELL US NOW. LOCATION: Jacksonville, Florida The body of Maddie Clifton was found inside the waterbed of her teenage neighbor. Benny S. says Josh Phil
Benny S.
TELL US NOW. LOCATION: Columbus, Ohio Brian Shaffer walked into a bar... and disappeared. According to Alex R., The creepy thing is all the exits and
Alex R.
17 Hometown Creepy Stories From Our Readers
Richard U.
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