21 Now-You-Know Facts About This Spinning Hunk Of Rock We All Have To Share

Carl Sagan famously said "Look at that dot. That's here. That's home. Wait, no, that's a piece of dust on my laptop. Sorry, the cleaning crew just came through, but they just kind of spread the dust around..."
The point is: that mote of dust is packed full of wonders, and mankind has been trying to make sense of it forever. "Geography" may sound boring, but it's really just our desperate attempt to understand this flying ball of death we're stranded on. We’re talking about the Earth! Ever heard of it?
Of course you have, but we bet you haven’t heard these jaw dropping facts that totally stunned us. We’re talking truly weird stuff, like the amount of gold actually inside the Earth, or the closest terrestrial point to the moon itself. Even the facts that the largest cave system on the planet is actually within a well known U.S. state.
Here are some bonkers facts about this wild spinning rock and the ways we, as a species, have tried to make sense of it:


Four Corners


Tectonic Plates

Mauna Kea