Disney Studios’ 1939 Rejection Letter (Was Just The Tip Of The Sexist Iceberg)

Women had their own campus, called The Nunnery. Yikes.
Disney Studios’ 1939 Rejection Letter (Was Just The Tip Of The Sexist Iceberg)
The rumor that Walt Disney flat-out refused to employ female animators isn't quite true, but the whole story isn't much better:
Specifically, to women who applied to be animators. They were told that the creative work was only for men... Wiomen do not do any of the creative wor
That there was some busy work available for women... The only work open to women consists of traring the characters on clear celluloid sheets with Ind
But that lots of girls apply, SO don't bother coming to Hollywood. In order to apply for 2 posiion S Inker or Painter it is necessary tht one cppo
But it gets even more sexist from there. The Inkers and Painters were kept on a separate campus, known as The Nunnery.
Walt wasn't going to promote anyone from The Nunnery, and they knew it. One Inker said each time they were beginning to get good, they've quit to get
The first female animator Walt did hire was already married - to another animator. gil aTwork for Tvrey The ue Lletd The second was his own sister-in-
Walt eventually offered night classes for aspiring female animators. But only because he knew a bunch of his animators were about to be drafted into W
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