18 Book Scenes Thankfully Left Out Of Movies

A tiny proportion of cinema is interested in the extraordinary, the abrasive, the touchy subject, and the disturbing. A new film that labels the audience, scorching their brain with truly memorable imagery as well as dissection of all the most startling and peculiar human emotional impulses that may or may not have something else in common with more "sanitized" form of video game violence we find acceptable.
Do you know that type of person who always complains about how a movie or TV show left out crucial details? And they know all of this because (of course) they've read the book? We did some research and discovered that there is usually a good reason for leaving something out of the onscreen adaptation: It's extremely upsetting.
So, the next time someone raises their glasses, wrinkles their nose, and moans about something being left on the cutting room floor, remind them of the following:


Gone With the Wind

Thor: Ragnarok