21 Paranormal Photos That Even Unnerve Skeptics

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21 Paranormal Photos That Even Unnerve Skeptics

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We definitely don't believe in ghosts, monsters, or things that go bump in the night. And it's usually our job to explain away unexplained phenomena.

The thing is, some of these paranormal photos and videos are just plain hard to explain. For example:

21 Paranormal Photos That Even Unnerve Skeptics
21 Paranormal Photos That Even Unnerve Skeptics
Is this the ghost of a little girl? The photo was taken this month by a couple on a Baltimore ghost tour. The tour owner said she suspected it might b
21 Paranormal Photos That Even Unnerve Skeptics
21 Paranormal Photos That Even Unnerve Skeptics
CRACKED.COM THE BROWN LADY OF RAYNHAM HALL In 1936 while taking photos of Raynham Hall for Country Life Magazine, Captain Hubart C. Provand and his as
There's a phantom backseat passenger in this 1959 photograph. The photo first started getting analyzed decades ago, so it's unlikely that it had been
What's the bizarre figure in the middle of this photo? 2l N Looks strange, but this could be a long exposure photo, and that might be a blurry person
The Hampton Court Palace 'Skeletor' In 2003, security staff noticed a strange skeletal figure opening and closing the palace doors on the CCTV. The vi
This is an unretouched LA Times photo of a supposed UFO over Los Angeles. The thing blocks searchlight beams, so it isn't smoke or a cloud. And its we
This 1968 picture apparently shows Robert Ferguson's brother (who had died in WWIl) next to him. Double exposure? Well, as this is a Polaroid, that's
A picture taken by Sharon Boo, a firefighter in New York, shows what she claims to be a guardian angel at the scene of a car wreck. The driver, Rose
21 Paranormal Photos That Even Unnerve Skeptics
Grieving mum Jennifer Hodge, who lost her son in 2016, received a notification on her phone alerting her of an intruder as she was watching TV. Her se
21 Paranormal Photos That Even Unnerve Skeptics
21 Paranormal Photos That Even Unnerve Skeptics
This picture, taken in Hungary in 1942, has a girl in the background without arms or a face. There are no obvious signs of 1942-era retouching, and th
In 2008 this weird face was found in a picture taken at Tantallon Castle in Scotland. What's weirder is that a family found a similar face looking out
21 Paranormal Photos That Even Unnerve Skeptics
21 Paranormal Photos That Even Unnerve Skeptics
21 Paranormal Photos That Even Unnerve Skeptics
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