23 Modern Images as Misunderstood by Future Archeologists
Napoleon's height was exactly average for his time. His enemies made up the short thing to make him look silly, and it stuck because he looked sort of small in a couple of paintings. This made us wonder how the images we leave behind will be misremembered.
![23 Modern Images as Misunderstood by Future Archeologists](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/4/2/7/124427.jpg?v=1)
Did you know Napoleon's height was exactly average for his time? His enemies made up the short thing to make him look silly, and it stuck because he looked sort of small in a couple of paintings. Guy nearly conquered the modern world, and yet when we hear his name today, our first thought is "short guy who's got a short fuse about being such a shorty pants."
This made us wonder how the images we leave behind will be misremembered. We asked you to show us and the winner of the $50 prize is below, but first the runners up ...
![CRACKED.COM Artist's rendering of fully assembled ancient Abraham Lincoln Memorial](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/7/8/8/123788.jpg?v=1)
![CRACKED.cOM Extreme Body Modification Epitome of Beauty](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/4/2/6/124426.jpg?v=1)
![ULLFIGHTING POKEMON Not mu out the vicious bloodsoort gay of vancint the rights Pokeoa bu) lo tor CRACKED. m seems aoparent ll was lerribly cruet](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/4/2/5/124425.jpg?v=1)
![TRAKEU.COM WHITE COLORED The mid-20th-century preference for colored water (or coca-cola) as opposed to white water- -was due to its higher concentr](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/4/2/4/124424.jpg?v=1)
![CRACKED.COM The Elian Gonzalez Affair Young Elian Gonzalez was snatched from his father's embrace by Detective Andy Sipowicz, and returned to Cuba.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/4/2/3/124423.jpg?v=1)
![CRACKED. com Between ever-accelerating species extinctions, and increasingly effective animal-rights groups banning all forms of animal captivity. tab](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/4/2/2/124422.jpg?v=1)
![23 Modern Images as Misunderstood by Future Archeologists](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/4/2/1/124421.jpg?v=1)
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![YESTERDAY TODaY AS IT IS THURS FRIDAY URSDAY Fig 1 With the dissolutionor the Departanent af Bducation by the Santorum administration. tutelage of Ame](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/7/7/9/123779.jpg?v=1)
![23 Modern Images as Misunderstood by Future Archeologists](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/7/9/7/123797.jpg?v=1)
![CRACKED.COM -ENGAR EXCHANGE DA CIGAR EXCHANGE (1963) In what referred now is to as the Cigar Exchange present adulterating President John F. Kenne](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/7/9/8/123798.jpg?v=1)
![SOYLENT GREEN CRACKERS Authorities at UC Davis use pepper spray to season students who are unable to pay high tuition rates, in preparation of the man](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/7/9/1/123791.jpg?v=1)
![CRACKED.cOM omo4 Once part of a complete cffigy of oncc beloved cntertaner tamed sadist Edward Regan Eddic Murplry, this bust was part of a larger w](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/7/8/7/123787.jpg?v=1)
![PUBLIC SHAMING BOARDS Antisocial behavior and acts of moral turpitude were highly frowned upon in ancient society. Those found guilty of such transgre](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/7/8/0/123780.jpg?v=1)
![23 Modern Images as Misunderstood by Future Archeologists](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/7/7/8/123778.jpg?v=1)
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![CRACKED.cOM IMIR ILYCH HLENNON' OYANOV YARLMARK GROUCHO Groucho AO woDrtook thmodt o history prominent 00ont ero. Lepnon phlorsooher was a key figure](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/7/9/5/123795.jpg?v=1)
![Early Chinese tanks were SO poorly made even Aa collision with a single human being could U0 disaster, curtailing thei military activities for some t](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/7/6/4/123764.jpg?v=1)
![23 Modern Images as Misunderstood by Future Archeologists](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/7/9/4/123794.jpg?v=1)
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