15 Tweets That Would Plunge The Internet Into Chaos

It's like today's crazy famous people aren't even trying to shock us anymore on social media.
15 Tweets That Would Plunge The Internet Into Chaos

It seems like every other day someone famous is going viral for the stupid shit they say on social media. It happens so often we expect it and we're really kind of becoming desensitized to it.

We really need someone to come out and shake things up a bit. You know, really destroy the internet in 140 characters or less. Like, for example ...

Comedy Central Follow @ComedyCentral Sept 1 Daddy's back! Jon Stewart hosting all new episodes of @TheDailyshow #indecision2016 CRACKEDCON
Tom Cruise @Cruiser'Tom - mins How could i have been SO wrong all this time?? Screw you guys! #scientologysucksthebigone 3.6m 2.25m se CRACKEDOON
Tupac_Shakur Following @TheReal2Pac I'm back fools. Needed some me time 13 9:00 9:00 AM -3july 2016 AM- GRACKED.OON
15 Tweets That Would Plunge The Internet Into Chaos
Kingdom Hearts Follow @KINGDOMHEARTS We give up! Kingdom Hearts 3 cancelled. Instead, we'll be making another spin-off. Goofy Unleashed. Coming in 201
15 Tweets That Would Plunge The Internet Into Chaos
Andy Garcla Follow @theRealGarcia 2017! A NETFLIX ORIGINAL SERIES Don orleone RETWEETS LIKES 4.755 14,988 2:54 PM 15 Jun 2016 13 4.8K 15K CRACKEDCON
FIFA.cOM @FIFAcom 27 min FIFA It's called soccer now FIFA changes name to FISA Trying to distance itself from recent corruption scandals the Federatio
Gabe L. Newell Valve Follow Gabelnewell Available Now: Three Half-Life 3, Portal 3, Left 4 Dead 3 Get it on Steam! Now please stop asking us. RETWEE
Dalai Lama Follow Dalailama Giving is the way to #peace. https://www.patreon.com/dalailama The Dalai Lama is creating World Peace I Patreon Follow the
KANYE WEST @kanyewest FAMOUS SEX DOLLS shop.kanyewest.com RETWEETS LIKES 1.4M 9.3M 4:43 PM- Jun 2016 1.4M 9.3M @kanyewest Iknew it GIF 120 Fe Tweet fr
CNN News CN Breaking Follow @cnnbrk Breaking Nees We're just making this shit up as we go along. CRACKEDCON 605 370
Pope Francis Following Pontifex F*ck this, I'm going Buddhist. RETWEETS LIKES 3,331 10,672 9:00 AM - 29 Jun 2016 3 3.3K 11K CRACKEDOON
NASA Following NASA @NASA Good luck people who don't have their own rocket ships!! #BudgetcutThis #NerdsLaughlast #NASAouttie 2 lI GRAGKEDCON
Starbucks Coffee Following @Starbucks Now offering drone delivery! 13 9:00 AM -3 July 2016 CRACKED


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