Molly Khan
6 Real-Life Stories Way Crazier Than Any Movie (Part 2 of 2)
Every once in a while, a person comes along who's somehow less believable than their closest movie stereotype.
- Authors
- By James Kinneen, Ed Stevens, E.M. Caris, Dan Hopper, Molly Khan
- Published
5 People Who Were The Repeat Victims Of WTF Coincidences
At some point, everybody has felt like they simply couldn't catch a break. But it's going to end eventually, right? Not always. Just look at these stories.
- Authors
- By Joel B. Kirk, Molly Khan, S. Aslam
- Published
5 Movie Conflicts That Only Happened To Advance The Plot
It's actually pretty amazing that the Rebel Alliance were able to defeat the Empire.
- Authors
- By Joel B. Kirk, Stephanie Shepard, Mark Bradley, Molly Khan
- Published
6 Futuristic Movie Scenarios Already Disproven By Science
A lot of the sci-fi scenarios Hollywood makes us think await us aren't just wrong -- when you look at the actual science involved, you learn that they're the opposite of what's likely going to happen.
- Authors
- By Nathan Kamal, James Netter, Molly Khan
- Published
5 Geniuses With Hilariously Stupid Creative Processes
Some incredibly successful people can only get work done under conditions so bizarre or idiotic that anyone else would be driven insane within minutes.
- Authors
- By Dennis Fulton, Nathan Kamal, Ed Stevens, Molly Khan
- Published