
R. Jason Benson

I'm an editor and (sometimes) writer for Cracked.com. You can find me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/rjasonbenson.writer, if you're into that sort of thing. Hey look, articles:

6 Insane Attempts to Communicate With the Future

Time travel is probably not going to happen. But that's doesn't mean we can't at least communicate with the distant future. With nothing more than a message to send and a ludicrous amount of funding, there are all sorts of projects to preserve messages for your great-great-(great-great-great...) grandchildren.


6 Mind-Blowingly Huge Versions of Things You Loved as a Kid

Believe it or not, there was a time not too long ago when playing video games, watching animated shows and worshiping Batman were things that only children could do. Fortunately (or unfortunately), some folks are making it cool for adults to like this stuff too.

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