JM McNab
@jmmcnabagain on Twitter
5 Plot 'Leaks' (That Were Total Nothingburgers)
Let's look back and cringe at the times we got hyped over stuff.
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- By JM McNab
- Published
5 Hidden Messages In Movie Costumes
Sometimes, these seemingly random pieces of clothing can offer subtle hints to larger themes.
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
5 Unsung Heroes Who Made Your Favorite Movie Fight Scenes
Since most of us don't sit through film credits, we'd like to take a moment to highlight a few of the cinematic artists who crafted some of our favorite movie fight scenes.
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- By JM McNab
- Published
5 Movie Easter Eggs That Are Hidden In The Real World
There are some seriously awesome movie Easter eggs hidden all around the world.
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
The Crazy Message Of The Marvel Movies Everybody Missed
As a decade's worth of storytelling culminates with Avengers: Infinity War, it sure is tempting to take a look back at all the movies that led here.
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
8 Serious Hollywood Scenes That Look Hilarious With No CGI
Sometimes, when computer effects get taken away, the magic and drama of Hollywood are immediately reduced to slapstick insanity.
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
5 Old Movies Famous Actors Don't Want You To See
Actors, like all human beings, sometimes make terrible, below-30-percent-on-Rotten-Tomatoes decisions.
- Authors
- By JM McNab
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7 Brilliant Movie Clues That Were Hidden In Plain Sight
Since only complete losers (read: us) would ever notice these things, let us tell you about the coolest ones in recent memory.
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- By JM McNab
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5 Insane Movies Starring Your Favorite Cartoons
Even some of the most iconic cartoon characters have shown up in some super weird movies.
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- By JM McNab
- Published
6 Ridiculous Reasons Why Bad Movies Totally Sucked
There are movies that are so bad they're good, and those that are so bad they're like watching hundred-million-dollar paint dry.
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
All Of Your Nagging 'Last Jedi' Questions, Answered
This seems as a good a time as any to try to rebut at least some of the more popular grievances.
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
How To Make That 'Indiana Jones' Fridge Scene Way Better
What if this scene DOES make sense, but ONLY because it's Indiana Jones?
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
The Secret Subplot You Missed In 'Jurassic World'
The new and improved Jurassic World is run by a bunch of idiots.
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
The Hidden Connection Between 'Ghostbusters' And The Remake
What if the new movie was part of the original canon ... but set in another dimension?
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
Are The Hobbit Movies Just An Adaptation Of Bilbo's Book?
There's nothing inherently wrong with digital effects, but there was definitely something wrong with these digital effects.
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
How To Fix The Worst Moment In All Of Star Wars
What if we could make some sense out of at least one of the trilogy's most hair-pullingly terrible scenes?
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
6 Overlooked Details That Turn Beloved Characters Into Jerks
Like flesh-and-blood people, a lot of our most cherished cinematic heroes have weird, disturbing characteristics we somehow chose to overlook.
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
6 Movies And Shows That Explained Plot Holes (In 6 Bonkers Ways)
We get that movies aren't real. But that doesn't stop us from demanding as much logical consistency as possible.
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
5 Famous Movies Rescued by the Last Person You'd Expect
Weirdly random celebs are responsible for accidentally altering pop culture forever with sudden bursts of benevolent entitlement.
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published
The NRA's Celebrity TV Special Was Confusing And Insane
Let's take a critical look back and explore the largely forgotten television event that was celebrities shooting a bunch of guns for sport.
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published