Will Millar
Struggling writer, semi-functional alchoholic, author of Infernal Machines out now on Amazon.com.
6 Real Heists More Badass Than Any Movie
Every so often a real-life bandit or group of bandits manages to outshine their cinematic counterparts with a scheme so clever, so bold, or so insane that we can't help but be in awe of them.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia , Will Millar
- Published
5 Real People Whose Lives Were Ruined by Winning the Lottery
Sometimes all it takes is a dollar and a dream to fall headfirst into a living nightmare.
- Authors
- By Will Millar
- Published
5 Insane Crimes Committed by Cops in Charge of Solving Them
They may be horrible people, but you've got to admire the balls it takes to pull off stunts like these.
- Authors
- By Will Millar
- Published
The 5 Strangest Felonies Ever Committed by Animals
The best thing about being a wild animal, aside from being able to shit wherever you want, is that crimes that would get a human put away for decades are written off with a comical headline.
- Authors
- By Will Millar
- Published
6 People Who Defied Gravity (And Then Kicked It in the Nuts)
Despite limitations, brave people throughout history have heroically told gravity to go straight to hell. And some of them even lived through it.
- Authors
- By Isaac Cabe, Will Millar
- Published