Gladstone has been a columnist here since forever. His forthcoming novel, Notes from the Internet Apocalypse, published by Thomas Dunne, will be available for purchase in early 2014.
5 Awesome Things No One Is Cool Enough to Own (Part 2)
There is apparently no shortage of things I don't feel cool enough to own that have nothing to do with items you'd find in a Raymond Chandler detective novel.
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- By Gladstone
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6 Awesome Things I'm Not Cool Enough To Own
I couldn't pull these off without feeling self-conscious.
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- By Gladstone
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The 5 Most Annoying Flaws of Modern Internet Search Engines
The search engine is glorious. Except when it's not.
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- By Gladstone
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5 Bafflingly Prudish Moments in History
Time and time again, humans have shown that anything that reminds them of babies or how we make them gives us the heebie-jeebies.
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- By Gladstone
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4 Things the Internet Always Gets Wrong (Explained)
There is no shortage of stuff the Internet gets wrong when it's arguing.
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- By Gladstone
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5 Weird Personality Changes That Happen When You Live Alone
For any of you venturing out of your parents' house or a failed relationship or what have you, here are five things no one tells you about living alone.
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- By Gladstone
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5 Terrible Movies That Would Make Great Musicals
It turns out there are a lot of B movies from the past that would make great musicals today.
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- By Gladstone
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5 Ways Every Family Gathering Goes Wrong
Families can be hard -- even functional ones.
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- By Gladstone
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Iconic Roles Surprisingly Played By The Same Actor
Sometimes an actor manages to sink into the public consciousness twice, playing two separate iconic roles, and still doesn't become a household name.
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- By Gladstone
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3 Ways 'Checking Your Privilege' Never Fixed Anything
If you really do care about building a better planet, then there are things about 'check your privilege' that aren't helping you reach your goal.
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- By Gladstone
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3 Things the Internet Always Gets Wrong
Nine times out of 10 the Internet just cites things wrong. Here are three theories the Internet won't stop abusing.
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- By Gladstone
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5 Unexpected True Stories Behind Famous Gender-Bending Songs
Here is the real story about the people behind five pop songs about unconventional women.
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- By Gladstone
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5 TV Shows That Were Shameless Rip-Offs of Movies
Here are five of the less imaginative attempts to create a hit show by altering the movie source material just enough to give it a new title.
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- By Gladstone
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5 Movies That Don't Get Enough Credit for Being Tearjerkers
Here are five of the best movies for making a mess of me by using less obvious emotional triggers.
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- By Gladstone
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5 Insane First Drafts of Famous Song Lyrics
Lyrics do go through some changes from the time they start out to the time they're finalized. But sometimes those changes are fun and notable. How many times? Five. Exactly five times.
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- By Gladstone
- Published
5 Everyday Things That Drive Us Nuts (For No Reason)
It just doesn't matter. We can't help it. These things drive us nuts, and somehow knowing that we shouldn't get upset only makes us more angry.
- Authors
- By Gladstone
- Published
3 Modern Satirists Screwed by People Who Didn't Get the Joke
Let's take a look at three people who might have escaped criticism if we just had a little more of that kind of faith.
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- By Gladstone
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5 Ways Hotels Have Changed for the Worse
In the last decade, I've noticed lots of changes in our homes away from home, and I thought I'd jot them down for you.
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- By Gladstone
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5 Hilarious Ways People Take Twitter Way Too Seriously
Here are five things to avoid if you don't want to piss off people who take Twitter seriously.
- Authors
- By Gladstone
- Published