Jason Pargin
I am the Executive Editor of Cracked.com and NYT bestselling author David Wong, which is the pseudonym of a real person named Jason Pargin.
Why Everyone Is Wrong About Violent Video Games & Your Brain
Games don't teach you to be violent, or sexist, or an Italian plumber. They do teach you something sneakier.
- Authors
- By Alex Schmidt, Jason Pargin
- Published
Why You're Being Kept In A Constant State Of Impotent Rage
This isn't about the trolls -- this is about all of us.
- Authors
- By Jason Pargin
- Published
7 Reasons The World Is Full Of Hate Groups And Cults
Am I crazy, or does every little thing spawn a weird hate group these days?
- Authors
- By Jason Pargin
- Published
How America Gets WWII History Wrong (And Why That Matters)
When you're not precise with your
- Authors
- By Alex Schmidt, Jason Pargin
- Published
How Violent Video Games Might Be Screwing With Your Brain
I've been committing war crimes in video games since the Carter era.
- Authors
- By Jason Pargin
- Published
Creepy Propaganda Hidden In Your Favorite Modern Pop Culture
We bake assumptions into our favorite movies, TV, and games...and our grandkids will find them laughably weird.
- Authors
- By Alex Schmidt, Jason Pargin
- Published
13 Myths About Society Too Many People Believe
I am to science what Albert Einstein was to trap music.
- Authors
- By Jason Pargin
- Published
Why We Can't Stop Hating The Poor
We kind of do hate poor people. And there's a reason for that.
- Authors
- By Jason Pargin
- Published
How Mediocrity Can Quietly Destroy Us All
The evil in world only needs you to succumb to a warm, dense fog that will descend upon you at some point in adulthood. That fog is called Mediocrity.
- Authors
- By Jason Pargin
- Published
Why We're Terrible At Taking Care Of Our Mental Health
Don't feed your brain the equivalent of a large pizza, multiple times a day.
- Authors
- By Alex Schmidt, Jason Pargin
- Published
Be Warned: Your Own Trump Is Coming
They may not even be running for office. They may only want you to buy their book, or listen to their podcast. What matters is that you spot them before it's too late.
- Authors
- By Jason Pargin
- Published
Why Conservative Comedy Is Almost Impossible In Trump Times
Thought experiment: if you made a list of the biggest 10 comedy institutions in your life, what would be on it? And would any of them be full of Republicans?
- Authors
- By Jason Pargin, Alex Schmidt
- Published
Things To Be Thankful For In A World Of Unrelenting Horror
With life comes possibilities. Things can get better! Or worse! But hopefully better!
- Authors
- By Jason Pargin
- Published
How Your Germs Control Your Politics (with David Wong)
Stop me if you've heard this one before: a charismatic populist leader rises to power by warning of immigrants who are are filthy and bring disease.
- Authors
- By Jason Pargin, Alex Schmidt
- Published
Cracked Movie Club: Halloween
John Carpenter month continues on Cracked Movie Club!
- Authors
- By Alex Schmidt, Tom Reimann, Jason Pargin
- Published
4 Creepy Things That Secretly Control Your Personality
So much of your personality is dictated by seemingly random nonsense you're not even aware of.
- Authors
- By Jason Pargin
- Published
6 Reasons Good People Turn Into Monsters
I'm pretty sure that most of what we consider being good in this culture is just having disdain for the right things.
- Authors
- By Jason Pargin
- Published
Why The Internet Is About To Change For The Worse
We're quickly moving toward a walled-off version of the web that works like streaming services do now.
- Authors
- By Jason Pargin
- Published
5 Things To Understand About Modern Hate Groups
When we replace the hateable caricatures people use to justify their beliefs with actual human beings, would it change how they feel? That's not a rhetorical question.
- Authors
- By Jason Pargin
- Published
Why Society Is Very Bad At Helping People Choose Jobs
Do you know what you want to do with the rest of your life?
- Authors
- By Jason Pargin, Alex Schmidt, Kristi Harrison
- Published