13 Continuity Errors That Gave Superfans a Conniption

Making movies seems incredibly hard, so griping about continuity errors is a lot like a cheese sauce-drenched fan screaming at the world class athlete for not scoring. But our fandom and cheese sauce is all we have, so grab a ladle and join us for some laughs at these gaffes. Overall, we’re pretty forgiving with the countless little movie mistakes this industry has to offer. Many times, they go unnoticed, or they’re so minute that we shake it off and get right back to the magic. But these errors… These errors reminded us that we’re still in the real world, and that’s just unforgivable.
And in movies with such dedicated fandom, no less. How dare you?! We were off in Mordor, forgetting our own problems for a few hours to take on the problems of some hobbits. Hmm… Why do we crave conflict? Maybe that’s a question for another day. For now, let’s empathize with superfans everywhere who had to endure these 13 egregious continuity errors.
Two minutes for stick switching.

Magic Mirror on the jeep…

The Goonies

Get your backstory straight.

Maybe he’s just a really fast cleaner.

Even Ralph Macchio agreed… Daniel clearly broke the rules.

To be fair, drywall patching and repainting would take quite a while.

The cowboy hat kind of looks like a pirate hat. But the sunglasses…

Turning a drama into a comedy.

Pause for dramatic effect.

I’m cold. Let’s just get the reverse in the morning.

If I only had a haircut.

“Hey man! Can we hitch a ride?”