15 TV Shows Built Around Babies and Animals That Are Absolute Garbage

When you look at this list of complete failures, you’ll wonder why so many baby and animal centered shows keep getting made! Clearly, because movies like Look Who’s Talking and Air Bud made fortunes, TV execs thought they could capitalize on that tired trope. In doing so, they disrespected all of us. Sitting up there in their 80th floor corner offices like, “Those mindless slobs will eat this talking baby and/or talking dog bullshit right up!” Well, jokes on you, Network TV!
Our collective TV palette has gotten a lot more refined over the years, so let’s agree to put an end to these baby and animal shows. Okay, TV? You gave us some utter trash-piles in the ‘80s, 90’s, 2000’s, and 2010’s, so don’t let us catch you dipping into this tired old sack again! It’s been done. Move on. But hey, if you still need proof, here are 15 mind-numbingly godawful shows built around babies and animals.
Baby Talk should’ve been called Three Moms and a Baby.

Dog With a Blog

One animal? Why not make a bad show centered around every animal?!

Didn’t we get enough of Three Men and a Baby in the ‘80s?

Bet your baby?! Ohhh… Bet ON your baby! Still!

Can it be called a “horror comedy” if it isn’t scary or funny?

It was 1960! What’s your excuse, every talking baby show since then?!

Come to Disney for The MCU and revivals no one asked for!

Adam Devine

Baby Bob

Animal Planet crosses the line between showcasing and exploiting animals.

We wanted to hate Downward Dog, but it’s an okay boy.

Making a show that kids and parents both like seems almost impossible.

We’re all on pins and needles, waiting for Disney to green light Season 3!