15 Kids’ Books And Movies That Somehow Became Super Controversial

Ah, the stories of kids’ books and films banned and censored throughout history! From Dr. Seuss’s Green Eggs and Ham to Disney’s 1942 short “Der Fuehrer’s Face”, from Roald Dahl’s James and the Giant Peach to Where’s Waldo?, from Harriet the Spy to The Giving Tree, from Charlotte’s Web to Where the Wild Things Are, from The Lorax to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, from The Lego Batman Movie to Cars 2, from Beauty and the Beast to Hocus Pocus 2—these stories of censorship and controversy have been around for a long time.
It’s easy to think of censorship as a relic of the past, but it’s still alive and well today. In some cases, it’s even more insidious than it was before, as powerful forces use their influence to silence dissenting voices and protect their interests. But it’s also true that in some cases, censorship can be a positive force, protecting children from inappropriate and dangerous material.
Whatever your opinion on the subject, the stories of these banned books and films are a fascinating window into our culture and our history. They remind us of the power of the written word and the power of storytelling, and of the importance of standing up for our beliefs. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the most famous kids’ books and films that have been demonized, banned or censored over the years. Enjoy!
Beware of ‘Hocus Pocus 2’!

Controversy welcomed, tolerance denied.

Cars 2: not so child-friendly?

Normalizing inclusive views: apparently a radical agenda.

Alice’s adventures: too wild for some places.

The Lorax silenced by The Truax?

Too scary for ’63, but just right for today.

Death, talking animals...just another day in the barnyard.

Harriet’s spying got her into trouble... and therapy.

That’s a real peach of an idea.

The Giving Tree

Where’s Waldo? Oh, there he is—and more.

Not the most progressive cartoon from ’42.

Donald Duck

Forbidden ‘til Seuss’s demise.