15 Times Math Helped In Very Non-Mathy Situations

With data analysis becoming increasingly prevalent in society, it was only a matter of time before it began to revolutionize the world of soccer. Soccer has always been a game that relies heavily on instinct and split-second decision making; however, with the introduction of detailed performance analysis, players are now able to make more informed decisions on the pitch. This shift has resulted in strikers shooting less from a distance and wingers passing instead of crossing, as they look to capitalize on their teammates' strengths.
While some older athletes may be resentful of this nerd takeover, there is no denying that data-driven methods have yielded better results than traditional ones. In fact, data has actually enhanced the viewing experience by providing new ways for us to understand and appreciate sport. For example, concepts like 3 > 2 would not have existed without SportVU cameras tracking player movements throughout an NBA game. These little cameras sparked a whole decade worth of changes in how basketball is played; we see pace acceleration and record numbers of three-point attempts per game, because coaches can now rely on concrete evidence when making strategic decisions regarding playing style.
The 'Futurama' theorem: no matter how many mind swaps have been made, they can all be undone with only two extra people.

Comedy Central
Apple's shuffle function was "too random," so they changed the probability math to make it less random.

The data on IMDb can be used to see how successful a particular concept will be.

The NBA has changed a lot in the last decade, all thanks to some little cameras.

This scientist is all about population genetics and understanding how variations occur over time.

. It takes five good things to make up for one bad thing in a marriage, according to researchers.

XronoMorph can create new musical structures based on two mathematical models.

This new approach could be a game-changer for skin graft patients.

Data is changing the face of soccer, from how transfers are made to how coaches make decisions.

Jocks get a boost from math nerds.

This class is for music and math nerds who want to nerd out even more.

Hollywood is using data to make better decisions about films.

There's a website for people who want to analyze films with numbers and get nerdy about it.

zef art/Shutterstock, Cinemetrics
Whoa, physicists just figured out how to make information more robust by shooting lasers at atoms in a Fibonacci sequence.

Nerds are slowly taking over professional sports in America, to the chagrin of some older athletes.