A Kid Once Turned Orange From Drinking Too Much Sunny Delight And 19 More Head-Scratching Facts

NYC’s public WiFi kiosks were used mainly to browse the dirty internet.
A Kid Once Turned Orange From Drinking Too Much Sunny Delight And 19 More Head-Scratching Facts

In the early days of public WiFi, NYC's kiosks were used for a range of activities. However, one use quickly dominated: porn. So much so that eventually browsing was removed from the feature list altogether. Switching for a moment to something completely different, you might not think that ice cream vendors and hitmen have much in common. But they do share at least one unique trait: they both use freezers (albeit for different reasons). “The Iceman” Richard Kuklinski learned his chilling technique from another hitman known as “Mister Softee” – he'd freeze bodies to cover up the time of death. And, on a much less gruesome subject, in 1914 Coca-Cola faced a strange but serious problem: too many people were copying its bottle design. In response, Coke issued a request for proposals to create “a bottle so distinct that you would recognize it by feel in the dark or lying broken on the ground.” 

Drinking salt water makes you urinate more water than you take in.

Drinking only salt water will kill you because of how the kidneys make urine. Human kidneys can only make urine that is less salty than salt water. So to get rid of all the excess salt taken in by drinking sea- water, you have to urinate more water than you drank. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

NOAA / Unsplash

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