20 Super Facts About Steve Irwin, Henry Winkler, And Honey Badger Poop

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20 Super Facts About Steve Irwin, Henry Winkler, And Honey Badger Poop

The “Hunchback of Notre-Dame” was written mostly just about architecture. But it's not dry or boring, I promise! In Victor Hugo wrote the “Hunchback of Notre-Dame” to inform people of the value of Gothic architecture which was neglected and destroyed at the time. That's why the book is full of beautiful descriptive passages informing readers about this special style of architecture. Next up, we have something less literary but no less interesting: did you know that submarine crew members have special suits they can put on in case of an emergency? It's true! Submarine Escape Immersion Equipment acts as a one-man life raft. If a submarine is downed and there is no submarine rescue vehicle nearby, the crew puts on special pressurized suits which float them to the top. Last but not least, we've got an odd disorder called Rapunzel Syndrome, which causes sufferers to pull out and eat their hair. To be fair, though, only the pulling part always occurs – the eating part may or may not happen.

A politician faked his death to run off with his secretary.

British politician John Stonehouse faked his death in November 1974, leaving a pile of clothes on a beach in Miami. It was presumed he had gone swimming and drowned. But Stonehouse was actually en route to Australia to set up a new life with his mistress and secretary, Sheila Buckley. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

BBC / Pixabay

There is a real disorder that makes someone violent over the sound of chewing.

People with Misophonia are triggered by common sounds such as chewing and loud breathing Reactions range from dis- comfort to sharp anger to physical violence. There's no cure, but if one is diag- nosed there are coping mechanisms that can im- prove one's quality of life. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Harvard / Wikipedia

A baseball team of death row prisoners would have their executions delayed as long as they kept winning.

A US baseball team in the 1910s was made up of death row prisoners. The Wyoming State Peni- tentiary's All Stars had an agreement with their pris- on's baseball-obsessed warden that if they kept winning, their executions would be delayed. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Independent / Wikipedia

Kevin Feige was given an associate producer credit on X-Men because he knew so much about Marvel.

Kevin Feige was hired on to the first X-Men film as an assistant. Feige was eventually given an associate producer credit when another producer dis- covered he was a walking encyclopedia of Marvel. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

NY Times / Wikipedia

Special suits can be put on by submarine crew members in case of an emergency that brings them to the surface.

Submarine Escape Immersion Equipment acts as a one-man life raft. If a submarine is downed and there is no submarine rescue vehi- cle nearby, the crew put on special pressur- ized suits which float them to the top. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Survitec / Unsplash

"Hunchback of Notre-Dame" was written mostly just about architecture.

Victor Hugo wrote the Hunchback of Notre-Dame to inform people of the value of Gothic architecture. Much of it was being ne- glected and destroyed at the time. This explains the large descriptive sec- tions of the book, which far exceed the require- ments of the story. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

QZ / Wikimedia

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