16 Werewolves That Are Just As Good As 'Werewolf By Night'

By the time you are reading this, Werewolf By Night will have debuted on Disney+, allowing you to enjoy Werewolves By Now, Werewolves By Morning After, Werewolves Days After the Initial Airing, or whenever you need to get your horror fix. At this point, the show could be good. Or it could be bad. Or it could just be fine like the majority of the Marvel streaming content.
No matter how good Werewolf By Night is though, there are several werewolf characters throughout all of popular culture that could be just as good as the title character (if not better). These werewolves could help you round out the Halloween season by adding some lycanthropy into your diet of television shows, movies, video games, and other pop culture snacks. It’s worth finding out about other werewolves, right?
Here’s a group of werewolves to consider that are just as good as Jack Russell (the werewolf… by night).
Larry Talbot

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