20 Facts About the Making of 'Titanic.'

In 1997, Titanic was the most expensive movie ever made, costing around $200 million. Sure, today Jeff Bezos can easily come up with a $1 billion budget for the first season of Lords of Power Ring Whatever in order to placate the demand for him to give back what has never belonged to him in the first place — but back then, Titanic’s budget was pure insanity. As it usually happens with James Cameron’s feats of God-spitting hubris, however, the gamble paid off, teaching us yet again that we shouldn’t ever doubt the man’s mad genius. And indeed, his not-so-historically accurate movie about the real-life tragedy ended up winning an astonishing eleven Oscars.
Of course, that’s not all. The massive project also became the highest grossing film at the time, ultimately earning $2 billion, which is curiously the exact budget for Amazon Prime’s new series Cool Billionaire. Alright, we’ll just say it: Unlike certain people, Cameron actually does deserve all the money. All the Oscars, all the money, and our most untouched body bits. Just on the basis of his narcissistic madness and poor anger management, Titanic succeeded, and so we’re examining 20 ball-tripping facts about its making. For example, did you know the film failed to show the one bathtub shared by hundreds of passengers? Maybe Cameron just thought recreating it would be disgusting – but search your heart: you know exactly who’d get off on it. Comedic rule of three, baby! Also, Titanic facts!
The Pitch

Leonardo DiCaprio


James Cameron, the Dictator

Matthew McConaughey

The Set Design

Extras' Backstories

A Grueling Experience

Torturing Kate Winslet

James Cameron's Salary

Shooting Time

King of the World

The Drawing Hand

The Grand Staircase Disaster

Predicted Flop

Angel Dust Chowder

The Cast and Crew Of 'Titanic' Once Ate Chowder Laced With PCP, and Chaos Ensued
The Door Issue

The Stars

The Sinking

Alternate Ending