12 Scientific Findings About The Filthy Rich & Wealthy

Get rich or die trying ....or just read about the wealthy.
12 Scientific Findings About The Filthy Rich & Wealthy

While most of us live paycheck-to-paycheck and dream of the day we can pay off our debts and comfortably afford our rent, there’s a mysterious class of super-wealthy people who own superyachts and private jets and look down on lesser millionaires. Who are these strange creatures? How did they get wealthy? Are they any happier than us? We looked to science for answers. 

Maybe you have dreams of becoming one of them. Maybe you really like that Bruno Mars “Billionaire” song. Maybe you’re already planning your coin-filled pool. But we implore you to look closer at these financial dreams. Not being poor is definitely good for your health and mental happiness, but how rich is enough? During the pandemic, billionaires add $3.9 trillion to their finances while workers lost $3.7 trillion. Huh? Really makes you think that maybe hard work doesn’t make billions, but labor exploitation does. Maybe that’s just me, though.

People with below-average intelligence are just as likely to be wealthy

CRACKED COM People with below average intelligence are just as likely to be wealthy One study found people from similar backgrounds with higher IQ scores tended to earn higher incomes but weren't any less likely to avoid financial difficulty, making them just as likely to be rich or poor as anyone else.

Source: ScienceDaily

Only 1/3 of the wealthiest people think kids should have good public schools.

CRACKED COM Only 1/3 of the wealthiest people think kids should have good public schools. 3 3 24 2 : - + - When asked if the government should spend what is necessary to ensure that all children have good public schools, only 35% of the one-percenters agreed. The next time you get called out for being ignorant at work, blame your CEO for not supporting your education.

Source: Brookings

No, millionaires aren't moving to low tax states

CRACKED COM No, millionaires aren't moving to low-tax states Millionaires were found to be no less likely to live in states with high-income taxes than those with low or zero income taxes. Most commonly, family responsibilities limited millionaires from uprooting their lives and moving to save some green. Maybe taxing the rich more won't make them flee after all?

Source: ScienceDaily

Billionaires are bad for the environment

CRACKED COM Billionaires are bad for the environment Who would have guessed that owning superyachts and taking quick trips to space might be bad for the planet? A conservative estimate shows that their carbon footprints are thousands of times higher than the average American.

Source: PopSci

Feeling wealthy doesn't have much to do with the amount of money you have.

CRACKED COM Feeling wealthy doesn't have much to do with the amount of money you have. Regardless of actual wealth, people who feel wealthy when compared to their neighbors and friends are more likely to oppose wealth distribution (even when it would benefit them).

Source: ScienceDaily

Wealth can bring life satisfaction if it's viewed as a sign of success

CRACKED COM Wealth can bring life satisfaction if it's viewed as a sign of success One study showed that you'll have higher life satisfaction if you view wealth as a sign of success rather than a sign of happiness. Maybe money can't buy happiness, but it can buy life satisfaction if you do it right.

Source: ScienceDaily

High incomes lead to pride and confidence, but not compassion or gratitude.

CRACKED COM High incomes lead to pride and confidence, but not compassion or gratitude. Making more money can inspire confidence and determination while lower income is related to greater levels of fear and shame. But having a greater income isn't related to feeling more compassion or gratefulness.

Source: APA

People with a higher net worth at mid-life live longer.

CRACKED COM People with a higher net worth at mid-life live longer. 50 If you're not rich by 46.7 years old, we have bad news for you. Even among sets of twins, higher net worth at around this age was associated with lower mortality risk.

Source: Northwestern

Most Americans are neutral about billionaires

CRACKED COM Most Americans are neutral about billionaires When asked if billionaires are good or bad for the country, more Americans are starting to say that they're bad for the country. However, most people aren't mad or happy about their existence... the same might be said about Maroon 5.

Source: PEW

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