20 Facts About Time Travel Movies (To Tell Our Past Self and Disentangle Space-Time)

We love time travel fiction. In fact, we thought about beginning this introduction by mentioning all the times we've discussed it, which being us, is a lot (and includes some classics from old-timey Cracked). Time travel is a tricky concept to pull off, it is a pain in the ass for the women, the MCU, and therefore also for Rachel McAdams. But the thing is, we’re not really going to do all that. The reason is that, as scholars on the marvels of the science that we are, we put our effort on the twin scientific principles of star math and wishy thinking and made a damn time machine. You, sure, doubt us, but here’s the thing: we already tested it, we just got out of it, and we can already tell you: this Pictofact kicked ass and you loved it.
Now, we could be lying, but that would be insulting the insane tech that Cracked Industries farted out. The gizmo was put on a Tesla Model 3, because the way we see it, if you’re gonna build a time machine into a car just for a joke, why not do it with a complete lack of style? Anyway, the tech itself is awesome. The point is that this Pictofact blew you away with its fine-ass selection of time travel movies. You saw some classic examples, but also more obscure and forgotten gems that made you say, “Yes, yes, goddamn yes, that is an awesome movie, you guys,” to which we can now reply, “Thank you, Rachel McAdams. Thank you.” By the way, we returned from a timeline in which she read this entry and loved our exquisite cinematic taste, our smooth Back to the Future references, and the way we mock Tesla. It’s just science, people.

Source: Screen Rant
Robert Pattinson in 'Tenet'

Source: IMDb
Elizabeth Debicki in 'Tenet'

Sources: Wikipedia, IMDb, Screen Rant

Source: Wikipedia
Planet of the Apes

Source: Screen Rant
Humor in 'Planet of the Apes'

Source: Screen Rant
Sodomy in 'Planet of the Apes'

Source: Wikipedia
The Statue of Liberty in 'Planet of the Apes'

Source: Screen Rant, Wikipedia
'Dead End'

Source: Wikipedia
'La Jetée'

Source: Wikipedia
'Your Name'

Source: CBR
Sequel to 'Your Name'

Source: CBR
Peggy Sue Got Married

Source: Wikipedia
Nicolas Cage in 'Peggy Sue Got Married'

Source: Yahoo

Source: Wikipedia

Source: Wikipedia
'Somewhere in Time'

Source: IMDb
Research for 'X-Men: Days of Future Past'

Source: SuperHeroHype

Source: Bleeding Cool
Magneto Killing Kennedy

Source: Screen Rant