12 Real-Life Superpowers Of Sharks

Regular ol' sharks: more impressive than Aquaman.
12 Real-Life Superpowers Of Sharks

Who needs Aquaman when we already have sharks with real-life superpowers? With extra thick skin, impressive speeds, internal GPS, and amazingly long lives … if you weren’t already afraid of sharks, you might be after reading this article and we barely skimmed the surface of the 500 species of sharks. Not all sharks are the terrifying, man-hunting stereotype out of Jaws (Actually, none of them even have a particular taste for human flesh), but don’t write them off. These creatures lived during dinosaurs and still swim among us today. Do you think the country of the United States has been around for a while? There is at least one living shark who has been around even longer. What's more impressive than avoiding death? 

Still not convinced to read on? Worst case scenarios, these shark facts will be super impressive to most five-year-olds. Bite into these pieces of shark trivia to win over any kindergarten class.

Sharks have incredibly thick skin

SHARK SUPERPOWERS CRACKED.COM Sharks have incredibly thick skin. The whale shark's skin is the thickest of any animal, growing up to six inches thick.

Source: ReefQuest

Survivors: Sharks have survived four mass extinction events

SHARK SUPERPOWERS CRACKED.COM Sharks have survived four mass extinction events Sharks have been around about 50 million years longer than trees, having existed for 400 million years.

Source: Smithsonian

Beware: Sharks can jump up to 10 feet into the air.

SHARK SUPERPOWERS CRACKED.COM Sharks can jump up to 10 feet into the air The great white shark may be 2000 pounds, but the giant fish can reach speeds of up to 40 miles per hour and launch itself into the air to catch prey.

Source: Smithsonian

A lemon shark can have 20,000 teeth in 25 years.

SHARK SUPERPOWERS CRACKED.COM A lemon shark can have 20,000 teeth in 25 years. Consider that many lemon sharks live to be 50, and imagine having 40,000 teeth in your lifetime. Sharks are constantly producing and shedding their teeth.

Source: ScienceDirect

No food? No problem.

SHARK SUPERPOWERS CRACKED.COM Sharks can go weeks without eating A swell shark has been recorded going up to 15 months without eating.

Source: NOAA

Hammerhead sharks have 360-degree vision

SHARK SUPERPOWERS CRACKED.COM Hammerhead sharks have 360-degree vision Ever wonder why hammerhead sharks have such weirdly shaped heads? The better to see you (and their behinds) with. These sharks are good at looking but not good to look at.

Source: BBC

Shark Jesuses? There's been several recorded virgin shark births.

SHARK SUPERPOWERS CRACKED.COM There's been several recorded virgin shark births. Shark Jesuses? Extremely rare, but there have been several known cases of parthenogenesis, when a female shark Lorem Ipsum who hasn't had access to a male gives birth. The shark pups have identical genetics to the mother.

Source: National Geographic

Sharks can swim in a really, really straight line

SHARK SUPERPOWERS CRACKED.COM Sharks can swim in a really, really straight line In featureless, open oceans, they swim in arrow-straight lines that could pass any DUI test. They can also accurately navigate in the dead of night. This is due to their sensitivity to the Earth's magnetic field.

Source: The Guardian

Even their pregnancies are super .... long.

SHARK SUPERPOWERS CRACKED.COM Frilled sharks can be pregnant for three and a half years Sharks have extreme reproductive diversity. Some lay eggs, some give live births. Some have placentas while others don't. The average shark gestation period is 11 to 12 months.

Source: Marine Bio


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