15 Tricks That Food Marketers Use To Dupe Our Feeble, Hungry Brains

It is strange that the most extraordinary events in our world are not more widely known. We enjoy lists of interesting facts, but we are often frustrated that we do not know as much about the universe as we would like to. If you find yourself thinking ‘I wish I had known that,’ then consider adding a fact from this list to your personal library. If you find it particularly interesting, you might consider sharing it with someone else. Some of the facts are amazing, while others may seem mundane, but all of them have been scientifically verified to be true. Each one of these facts has been backed up by evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, but there is no consensus amongst scientists as to which facts should be accepted as true. However, they are all verifiable and they all have some form of supporting evidence. Some of these facts will be surprising, while others will be familiar and have been repeated so many times that we tend to forget that they are actually strange.
Apps and Kiosks




Decoy Pricing

Saline Meat


The Health Halo

Menu Psychology

Menu Animation

Intentionally Confusing Menus

Tricks to Make Food Look Good in Pictures

Meaningless Buzzwords

