Your Dislike Of Broccoli Might Be Genetic And 19 More Fascinating Facts

What is it about facts that we enjoy? Well, for one, facts are always fascinating to us, as we all know from our personal experience. Second, it's the idea of knowing things about facts. It's the satisfaction of the feeling of superiority that comes with knowledge of a subject, and that is especially satisfying when it comes to knowledge of facts. It's like a secret that only you know. It's also entertaining to think of what's out there in the universe. We humans are only a speck on the face of the earth. And even if you live in a small town, there is still the entire world outside. How can you even begin to comprehend the wonders of the world? The idea is that once you start thinking about all the things that exist, it will be impossible to stop. This is why we enjoy this list of interesting facts so much.
Steven Bradbury won gold by avoiding other speed skaters.

North and South Dakota

Liechtenstein has an extremely low crime rate.

The largest settlements in the world in 4000 B.C. had thousands of residents.

The Amazon river was named after the Amazon warriors.

Robert Todd Lincoln was at three presidential assassinations.

Gendered Shopping

The CIA teamed up with the mob to assassinate Castro.

A wooden pallet tower in Sherman Oaks was designated a cultural monument.

A gene determines how much we like certain vegetables.

Card Counting

Only the Tower of Jericho had a longer record than the Great Pyramid of Giza as being the tallest man-made structure.

Timothy Dalton

Earth just barely missed being hit with a massive solar flare.

A real album from a fictional cartoon character hit #68 on iTunes.

A ‘Black Mirror’ episode contains a “chain letter” message if you pause at the right time.

The Vikings mascot is a real human.

We can see World Peace in real time.

The Bataan Death March killed thousands of American and Filipino soldiers.

Abandoned mines under the Dolomites store thousands of tons of produce.