15 Roles Specifically Made for Actors (And Vice Versa)

Movies are made by committee (separate pieces all grafted together, literally), but it’s been like that from before the first camera was ever clicked on. Even before words are put down on a page, sometimes dozens of people are pulling a movie in all sorts of directions. So when a script is being written, often the writers don’t know if it’s going to be a sequel, live-action, or ever get made. Very rarely do the creators of the movies have any say in who is in the film… but “rarely” doesn’t mean “never.” Sometimes, the producer, writer, or director has an actor in mind for a role before the story is ever even finished. Sometimes an actor inhabits a role so well that it’s like they were born for the role… or the role was made for them. Sometimes, hey, that’s exactly what’s going on. Sometimes there’s no other choice, no one else who could ever be that role, not really. These are those times.
Kurt Russell as Snake Plissken

Source: Collider
Matt Damon and Ben Affleck as Will Hunting and Chuckie Sullivan

Source: BuzzFeed News
Ron Perlman as Hellboy

Source: IMDb
Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith as Jay and Silent Bob

Source: PopEntertainment
Jorge Garcia as Hugo "Hurley" Reyes

Source: LOST-TV (via archive.org)
Jamie Lee Curtis as Wanda Gerschwitz

Source: IMDb
Chazz Palminteri as Detective Dave Kujan

Source: Screen Rant
Matthew Broderick as Ferris Bueller

Source: Showbiz CheatSheet
Chris Colfer

Source: Glee Wiki
Robin Williams as The Genie

Source: Reddit
Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury

Source: Den of Geek
Nicole Kidman as Mrs. Coulter

Source: Philip Pullman/Twitter
Jeri Ryan as Ronnie Cooke

Source: South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Annie Hall

Source: Britannica
Danny DeVito as Frank Reynolds

More: Frank Reynolds Only Exists Because Of An 'It's Always Sunny' Ultimatum