15 Action Heroes We Don't Want to Get Into a Fight With (and How We'd Do Against Them)

Now we don’t know you, so we’re going to call you Greg. Greg. Yeah. So, Greg, that’s not coming out. You can keep wiping it, but that scratch you just put in the paint is there to stay. You just screwed up. And everyone saw you.
We know, you don’t think they’ll notice. You can just keep walking inside the bar, but what are the odds it’ll go good for you? Everyone in this bar is an action star, and if any one of them is the person whose motorcycle you just jacked up, well… The odds aren’t exactly in your favor, are they now? Here are the 15 action stars inside that bar most likely to beat the ever living crap out of you for scratching their car. Yeah, car, bike — does it really matter in the face of what’s about to go down? So, look, they’re coming. Get ready.
Ellen Ripley

John Rambo

The Terminator

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

Steven Seagal

Ryan Reynolds

Will Smith

Owen Grady

The One


Lara Croft

John Wick

Henry "Indiana" Jones

Chuck Norris

Cherry Darling