15 Loopy Facts That Spiked Our Volleyballs

A few days ago I was in a bookstore looking for books to read. My eyes landed on this title, which caught my attention because it was funny. It had a picture of two people fighting with each other, like a boxing match. It's an ancient Greek myth about the war between Zeus and Poseidon for control over the sky, the sea, and everything.
This is a story about how Zeus won by using some dirty tricks that would have been unthinkable in ancient times, when gods were more powerful than humans and they could just order mortals around. In this story there are two gods, so you'll probably be wondering who they're supposed to represent. One is a god from the Mediterranean, while the other is a god from the Middle East.
But, to my disappointment, somebody scrawled out a bunch of text past the introduction and wrote down a list of unrelated facts instead. That list went ...
Harley Quinn was invented for the Batman animated show.

Acid Rain

A Civil War vet founded Coca Cola.

Serial killers ran amok in the 1970s.

The Queen doesn’t need to break in her own shoes.

Cats are most active during low light times.

Dave Thomas studied under the Colonel himself.

Theo van Gogh allowed his brother Vincent to focus on his art.

A prisoner kept his word and returned to captivity after visiting his mom.

There is a technical speed limit on the Autobahn.

A Suzuki Samurai got one over on a Jeep.

A 3,200 year old tablet has a record of excuses for missing work.

Alan Turing was very prolific.

No Australians were involved with the founding of the Outback Steakhouse.