15 Trivia Tidbits About Vegas, Questionable Doctors, And What Constitutes A Sandwich

The world is dark. The sky above you is the color of a black hole's heart and it looks as if someone has poured blood over it; there are red streaks that run up into the clouds like veins. A few lights shine from buildings and the windows of some cars but otherwise everything looks black. You're on the top floor of a building and your gun's empty—you have no bullets left. There is nothing to shoot at anyway. All you can see is this mass of red, moving slowly toward you.
"I've been shot!" shouts one of your comrades. He falls to his knees and then drops onto the ground like he's been stabbed. He's wearing a white shirt. It has a big stain on it now. His skin turns purple and then dark gray. He stops moving completely.
"He's gone!" screams another one who is still fighting with his axe, hacking and slashing at the enemy. The others have fallen silent, staring in disbelief and terror. Suddenly, you notice words forming in the vast, monstrous mass of red advancing towards you. You begin making them out, and it says ...
Ultra-pasteurized milk is cooled at the supermarket because people wouldn’t trust it otherwise.

Some cereal is magnetic.

You can keep the blood as long as there’s no color.

Jonah Hill snorted vitamin C for “The Wolf Of Wall Street.”

Dr. Feelgood was pumping JFK with too many drugs.

Edvard Grieg composed his most famous song as a joke.

Party bees like to boast to their friends.

Grilled Cheese

London Underground ads were replaced with pictures of cats.

A tomb was mistaken for a crappy picnic table and destroyed.

Frodo Baggins actually held the ring for 7 years.

Dogs can exhale and not lose a scent.

Las Vegas

A Frenchman accidentally released a rabbit killing virus.

A NASA satellite was dropped during maintenance.