39 of the Most All-Time Frustrating Video Game Moments

There was a boss somewhere in Final Fantasy IX that sent my middle school gaming career down the toilet. Two characters were separated from the rest of the party and had to fight some sort of snail boss (it’s been a long time). In retrospect, I'm sure that it wasn't a particularly difficult boss; I mostly enjoyed Final Fantasy for the story and treated it like a moving comic book, which is probably why, despite nearly snapping my control in half, I never actually managed to defeat the monster. Either way, the rest of Final Fantasy IX’s story is still a mystery to me to this day. I imagine some of the frustrating examples below have led plenty of gamers to the same unfulfilling existence…

Shadow of the Colossus

Gauntlet II

Final Fantasy

Pokemon Red

Source: The 21 Most Ridiculously Frustrating Video Game Moments
Metal Gear Solid 2

Source: The 21 Most Ridiculously Frustrating Video Game Moments

Source: The 21 Most Ridiculously Frustrating Video Game Moments
Surgeon Simulator

Source: The 21 Most Ridiculously Frustrating Video Game Moments
Police Quest

Source: The 21 Most Ridiculously Frustrating Video Game Moments
Ninja Gaiden

Source: The 21 Most Ridiculously Frustrating Video Game Moments
King's Quest V

Source: The 21 Most Ridiculously Frustrating Video Game Moments
Assassin's Creed

Source: The 21 Most Ridiculously Frustrating Video Game Moments
The Legend of Zelda

Source: The 21 Most Ridiculously Frustrating Video Game Moments
Dynasty Warriors

Source: The 21 Most Ridiculously Frustrating Video Game Moments
Ocarina of Time

Sonic 2

Red Dead Redemption

Ocarina of Time

Arkham Asylum

Source: The 21 Most Ridiculously Frustrating Video Game Moments
League of Legends

Source: The 21 Most Ridiculously Frustrating Video Game Moments
Bionic Commando

Source: The 21 Most Ridiculously Frustrating Video Game Moments
Dark Souls

Source: The 21 Most Ridiculously Frustrating Video Game Moments
King of Fighters 2002

Source: The 21 Most Ridiculously Frustrating Video Game Moments

Source: The 21 Most Ridiculously Frustrating Video Game Moments
Final Fantasy X

Left 4 Dead

Ninja Gaiden

Bushido Blade

Resident Evil 4

Mario Kart

Source: The 21 Most Ridiculously Frustrating Video Game Moments
Super Ghouls and Ghosts

Source: The 21 Most Ridiculously Frustrating Video Game Moments
Mortal Kombat

Source: The 21 Most Ridiculously Frustrating Video Game Moments

Source: The 21 Most Ridiculously Frustrating Video Game Moments
A Link To The Past

Source: The 21 Most Ridiculously Frustrating Video Game Moments
Ocarina of Time

Source: The 21 Most Ridiculously Frustrating Video Game Moments

Arkham Asylum

Dark Souls