40 Bad Habits More of Us Are Guilty of Than We Think

If we ALL do it, it can’t be that bad!
40 Bad Habits More of Us Are Guilty of Than We Think

We've all got our own big, gigantic lists of bad habits: Maybe we smoke, maybe we drink a little too much, maybe we bite our nails. And sure, maybe we should try do better, but the truth is, tons and tons of other people have the same bad habits, and that makes them… fine? Okay, maybe 600 wrongs doesnt make a right, but at least it feels like a start. Either way, enjoy these statistics that show that lots of people out there are making the same mistakes you are…

Don't like going to the dentist? Neither do 36% of adults in the US. In 2016, the CDC estimated that only 64% of adults between the ages of 18 and 64 visited their dentist within the previous year. CRACKED.COM
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