15 Positive News Stories That (Slightly) Redeemed The News For Us

If this letter doesn't get to you, the killer will. I was the only one who survived. I'll be safe from him because he has no idea what I know (he's an old wizard with a bad case of amnesia). If you do find the book, take it straight to my friend, Gorgon (he knows who killed me). You need to hide it before this guy shows up. He's called the Warlock King and his name is... I don't want to say that here because I'm afraid for your life if you write it down. But it rhymes with "Tyr." He can make fire come out of people's heads! He'll try to stop you from finding the book or killing anyone associated with it.
The one thing that can save you is inscribing a magic circle while repeating positive thoughts aloud. To help you do that, I've included this list of fifteen wholesome facts from another dimension that I've found in an old spellbook:
Stuffed bunny is reunited with its owner via social media.

The Australian Lottery

Podder the dog earns his retirement after years of protecting San Diego.

Electric vehicle sales are on the rise.

The last Confederate statue in Maryland was removed.

We can harvest the sun enough to power Europe.

A woman’s dog pulls a Lassie and leads police to her rescue.

Just guys being dudes.

Big Cats

A toddler survived days in the Tasmanian wilderness.

They want Venti salaries.

A program for first graders sets them up with a college fund.

Jeff Bezos’ ex is making him look even worse than previously thought possible.

Underwater statues are making the waters safe from illegal trawlers.

Wales says “use your words.”